
Customer Testimonials

    "Barry, Gemma, Brendan and the team at Signwave Osborne Park were very responsive and provided great service."
    Keir Williams
    "Barry and the team were very easy to deal with - thank you!"
    Amanda Mizza Perth
    "Excellent Service, Fantastic follow up and Signwave did a beautiful job of replacing my "Gucci Stripes" on my Fiat by Gucci. Thank you boys"
    Connie Micheli Perth
    "professional and no fuss - competitive pricing"
    Colin Passmore Perth
    "Since started my journey, I have used Barry and his team for everything. We got all our vans, car ,pull banners and posters done with a hassle free experience. I will be continuing to use signwave and wish you guys all the best in the future "
    Andrew Kearns Perth
    "Prompt service and fair prices "
    Bob Mackenzie Perth
    "Excellent result achieved by the crew stickering up one of our trucks recently . Very happy "
    Andrew Smart Perth
    "Morning all, Have to say Its only been a year . But i can let you all know in that period Barry and all the Team at SIGN-WAVES Osborne park . Have always delivered product on time , Designed and Produced Perfection in what they Promise to do ..... Would definitely recommend Sign wave its not the Business that makes it , It is the Team behind that makes a Business . Well Done !! and Thank you to all hear at Ex Electrical & Engineering "
    Ria Tabbara Perth
    "Great personal service with outstanding customer service Excellence from design to installation... Fantastic company to do business with!"
    Ray Cafini Perth
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