
Customer Testimonials

    "Always professional and courteous staff and provide great quality work have been using signwave for over 20 years Phil Brown Megaseal Bathrooms"
    Phil Brown
    "Quality products and staff go above and beyond to assist with your needs"
    Andrew HAYDON
    "The rapid response and the professional approach is good"
    Neil Roser
    "Very professional and keep up informed in regards to where our project was at."
    Tina Anderson Hawthorn
    "Feathers look fantastic! Only issue was that one of the spikes bent the first time we tried to get it in the ground..."
    Phillipa Lowe Waners Bay
    "Great communication and great quality"
    Joe Kelley Gateshead
    "Very impressed every time I purchase a product . The quality is always great the service is great and the product is always on time every time "
    Liam Butler Newcastle West
    "Super friendly, professional and easy, rom conception to completion. Also extremely quick turnaround."
    Tristan Heels Islington
    "you listened to what we wanted and were very patient with our needs."
    Irene Pearce Warners Bay
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