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Retailers, Get In Now So You Can Sleigh This Silly Season!

Author: Linda Sultmann

While it is believed that the meek will inherit the earth, they won’t inherit silly season market share.

Retailers can sleigh this silly season

While it is believed that the meek will inherit the earth, they won’t inherit silly season market share.

Every year it seems retailers need to go bigger and better to stand out as a Christmas shopping destination. Fortunately, with a little bit of planning and investment, this is not that difficult or even expensive to achieve.

Signs and graphics with a difference can do the job.

Start with an eye-catching image or message and put that in front of people in ways that will get them noticed.

For example,

  • Direct traffic to your store or star products using colourful floor graphics.
  • Apply repositional vinyls to your windows and other surfaces that people walk or drive by.
  • Hang commanding banners from the ceiling.
  • Make use of illuminated poster frames that light things up.

Get started on your silly season campaigns now and you will be able to embrace and enjoy that most hectic and potentially profitable time of the year, rather than approach it with trepidation and fear.

Retail displays at Christmas